onsdag 25. august 2010

The Butterfly Circus

In our first International English class we watched a short movie called "The Butterfly Circus". This movie was about a showman who was travelling around with his circus. During their tour they discovered a man who had no arms or legs. The man without limbs was not being treated well, and people were looking down at him. After a while, himself and the circus troop started believing in him, and he got hope and dreams.
The movie was touching, and I thought the title was really good. At first the butterfly is just a butterfly larva, but then it starts changing into this beautiful creature. The man without limbs is like a butterfly; if you look
closer and don't judge by the first impression, there is a person with feelings
and thoughts underneath what you see.

I took the butterfly picture from

2 kommentarer:

  1. very nice! I agree, it is a very touching movie! You should watch the "interview" with him:) (link on my blog!). By the way, I love the colors you have chosen for your blog. Very relaxing and warm.

  2. I agree with Julie, a very touching movie. Also like the layout of your blog!
